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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


“Canada is not a melting pot in which the individuality of each element is destroyed in order to produce a new and totally different element. It is rather a garden into which have been transplanted the hardiest and brightest flowers from many lands, each retaining in its new environment the best of the qualities for which it was loved and prized in its native land.” — John Diefenbaker, prime minister of Canada, 1957-1963.
If Diefenbaker's submission above was/is true, then our classrooms should no less be a true reflection of this reality. It should be a fertile soil upon which those transplanted flowers from many lands bloom and flourish. It must allow the best and the brightest ideas to fly. It must be the environment of excellence and tolerance. Anything short of the above ideal is unacceptable in our classrooms.

~~~~Sunday Akin Olukoju.


Dosanjh, U. (2000, April). Multiculturalism in Canada. News in Review. Retrieved from

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